
Prificiency test manual sampling of Hard Coal

Round robin tests in analytical chemistry are already well established and essential tools for quality assurance as well as proof of competence of accredited laboratories. Round robin tests for the sampling of solid materials are still relatively rare, or not offered. This is a big disadvantage, because the influence of sampling on the test results is well known.

The sampling is critical to the quality of measurement results

Systematic errors in the sampling cannot be compensated in the laboratory analysis. The sampling error can be larger by several orders of magnitude than the analytical error. The rule is: "The digits before the decimal point of a measured value the sampler is responsible for, the digits after the decimal point the chemist in the laboratory."

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Proficiency test manual sampling of Solid Recovered Fuels

In the year 2017 we carried out a round robin test manual sampling of secondary solid revovered fuels fuels according to LAGA PN 98 and DIN EN 15442. We plan to do this also for this year.

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Schematic diagram of the sampling

Proof of competence of the laboratory

A representative sampling makes high demands on the sampler. Laboratories accredited for the department of sampling, are facing the problem to proof competence in sampling to the assessors and auditors. The DCC-round robin test manual sampling of import coal will (wants to) fill this gap.

Group photo of sampling in 2014

Group photo of sampling in 2013

Group photo of sampling in 2012

Group photo of sampling in 2011

Group photo of sampling in 2010

Group photo of sampling in 2009

Group photo of sampling in 2008